
Family....Brothers, Sisters and Cousins Too

Love, laughter and joy makes a family and there sure was a lot of that going around in both Kim's and Tena's family (they are sisters!). Kim has all the boys and they sure love to run and wrestle one another. Jordan, Marcus and Ethan make up the 3 musketeers. Brandon and Jessica are brothers and sisters. Jessica being the only girl in the bunch was able to rule the day. We had to check to make sure the ground to sit on was clean from any potential hazardous materials before Jessica sat down, and then made the boys move around her. It was a fun day and we enjoyed spending it with the whole gang!


Four Boys...Oh MY!!!!

A few weeks ago, I spent an afternoon with Lisa & Steve and their 4 boys (plus a dog). It was a fun day filled with lots of commotion and activity. Overall, the boys were great sports and even became quit fond of modeling in front of the camera.


Afternoon Out With Meaghan

We spent an afternoon out with Meaghan taking her senior pictures. She was such a good sport as it was a bit chilly out. Nevertheless, we had a great time out in Rochester. We were able to find some unique places to take pictures with some beautiful colors. I just love the green bench with the flower pots on the rusty cart!



It was a fun time spending the afternoon with Jenny. Prayers were answered when the rain held off for the afternoon...it rained all morning. We spent the afternoon taking pictures in the Waterford area. The fall colors were beautiful and the lake made for a great background. The best part was at the rail road tracks. How unique to take pictures with a train coming across the tracks in the back!



We spent a late afternoon out with Sean shooting his senior pictures. Downtown Rochester is a great place to take pictures. It was a blast having Sean take pictures at some unique places. It was especially interesting having him in the middle of Rochester Road...boy did he slow down the traffic!!